Learn QuickBooks Data Repair with Easy Methods  


Data is an integral part ofQuickBooks users. And if there is any damage to the data, you need QuickBooks data repair as we do notwant you to panic due to any data issue in your software. We can help you resolve the minor data issues caused by your QuickBooks. A corrupt or damaged company file might lead to some data loss. It is good to know some steps on how
to avoid it. Also, to be on the safer side you should keep a backup of your files; this will help prevent you from losing any data. We have bought some easy solutions to minor data issues.  

Call our customer support number +1 855-948-3646 forall your queries related to QuickBooks data migration. Do not be afraid of repairing damaged files, as our team is there to help you repair QuickBooks company files. 

broken image

Method 1: Usethe Rebuild data tool

  • Look for the filemenu and select Utilities  
  • Then tap on rebuilddata  
  • Select ok in the QBinformation window.  
  • Keep following thesteps on the screen and save backup  
  • Now let the toolrepair the file for you.  
  • Click on ok as soonas it ends 
  • Move to the filemenu again, click on utilities and then verify the data  
  • Now let the tool runand check for any issues in the data 
  • If there is noproblem, select ok and continue using the company file  
  • In case there is anissue with the company file, tap on rebuild now. 

Method 2: UseQuickBooks file doctor 

Download theQB tool hub 

  • Download tool hub 
  • Go to download  
  • Open the downloadedfile  
  • Tick mark on theagree to the terms and conditions box  
  • Keep moving aheadwith all the on-screen steps  
  • As soon as theinstallation ends, open the tool hub  

Go to runquick fix my file

  • Once the QuickBookstool hub opens up  
  • Move to company fileissues  
  • Tap on quick fix myfile  
  • Click ok  

Now move toQuickBooks file doctor

  • In the tool hub, tapon company file issues.  
  • Then select runQuickBooks file doctor. Wait for a minute and let it open. (In case the QB file
    doctor does not open up. You can browse it manually ) 
  • Take help from thedrop-down menu In the Qb file doctor and select the company file. 
  • Tap on check yourfile and then continue  
  • Now put in yourQuickBooks admin credentials and select next.  

Repair damaged QuickBooks data

in no time with these solutions. Apart from this, you can also manually repair your company file by rebuilding the data. Find the errors in the verify result window and tap on expand all to look at the errors.  


Contact our support team at +1 855-948-3646 for all your questions related to the QuickBooks data repair. We hope we have given easy solutions to fix any data-relatedissues in your QuickBooks. However, if you can still not resolve these issues, feel free to call us directly. Instead, get in touch with our professionals for the best guidance.